Why bonding? Why now?
A bygone golden age reflected in IWBC’s brand-new golden spirit

IWBC is new, yet we can trace our origins back two hundred years to a time of Irish whiskey excellence. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Irish whiskey industry was very different to what it is today. Distilleries made unbranded spirit, selling the ‘new make’ whiskey to publicans, grocers and other retailers.
These ‘Bonders’ – so called because they held their whiskey ‘in bond’ without paying duty – then aged, blended and bottled it to sell to their customers. There were Bonders in every town and city in Ireland, each with their own storage and blending methods, a practice that gave rise to regional variations of whiskey style and taste. It was a time of great character and choice, each bonder vying with their local rivals to blend their region’s favourite whiskey. It gave rise to what is rightly considered today as Irish whiskey’s golden age. Our own blend is a return to that beloved time and place – elegant golden spirit blended by a master craftsman, but flavoured by Belfast’s rich history.